This October has been tons of fun. We went to Bishop's Pumpkin Patch, to our ward Trunk-or-Treat, carved pumpkins and of course went trick-or-treating Halloween night!
Jax and Daddy riding the train at Bishop's Pumpkin Patch.
Jax doing the hand movements to the Itsy Bitsy Spider as I sing the song. Singing songs are the only way to get him to look at the camera, so that I can take a picture.
Taking a little walk through the pumpkin patch.
Here he is doing the hand movements to another song. He is so silly:)
This was at our ward Trunk-or-Treat. Jaxon had a blast! He was so excited to walk around and carry his pumpkin bag. He loved looking at all the kids in their costumes.
I just love this little Pirate!
Jax cleaning out his pumpkin. He actually did not like the gooey feeling. This was the first and last time he stuck his hands in the pumpkin.
Jaxon and his finished pumpkin. He would not hold it after we carved the face. I think it scared him.
Jax trick-or-treating.
Halloween morning Jax woke up with a fever and no other symptoms. Just to play it safe we stayed home from our family Halloween party. Jaxon really missed trick-or-treating with all of his cousins:( That evening his fever dropped so we dressed him up and took him around to a few houses.
I love the month of October! I love the fall and all the festivities! I am already thinking about what Jaxon will be next year for Halloween. I can't wait!
Halloween morning Jax woke up with a fever and no other symptoms. Just to play it safe we stayed home from our family Halloween party. Jaxon really missed trick-or-treating with all of his cousins:( That evening his fever dropped so we dressed him up and took him around to a few houses.
I love the month of October! I love the fall and all the festivities! I am already thinking about what Jaxon will be next year for Halloween. I can't wait!
What a cute pirate! Jaxon is always so happy. And I love that he'll only look at the camera if you sing, & I love seeing him do the hand motions to the songs - what a smart boy! We miss you guys!
He looks so great! and that farm is so cute, ava loved walking in the field too. Glad you guys had a good halloween.
Jaxon is so cute! I just want to eat him!!! He made a really cute pirate;)
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